I would like to try anal sex: which lubricant should I choose?

Sep 27, 2023

What is the best lubricant for anal sex?

If there is one sexual practice for which a lubricant is not superfluous, it is clearly sodomy or anal stimulation in general.

Indeed, in this extremely delicate and highly erogenous place, there are no exocrine glands to secrete fluids of love... The only lubrication that can occur occurs long after the first caresses, when the cells of the rectal epithelium begin to transudate plasma under the effect of strong vascularization.

How to apply anal lubricant?

The golden rule is therefore to use lubricant abundantly , generously and without any restraint. It is even recommended to apply it in two stages:

  • Massage the anal area to allow the lubricant to seep in and be absorbed by the rectal mucosa.
  • Apply it generously to the penis or the sex toy used to coat deeper areas, but above all to avoid the feeling of "blockage" which inevitably leads to irreversible tension of the internal sphincter...
  • The most traumatic area at the anal level. (Learn more in our ABCs of Anal Sex)

How to choose a good anal lubricant?

Although many think silicone-based lubricant more effective, it is important to remember that it does not hydrate the mucous membranes and simply replaces non-existent or insufficient lubrication.

Basically, silicone is not suitable for beginners, because in the absence of hydration of the mucosa, dilation is also compromised. For what?

In reality, the rectal mucosa can double or even triple in volume due to sufficient hydration. Under the effect of this swelling, the sphincters dilate accordingly and improve comfort during penetration.

On this subject, it is very useful to remember how it is not recommended to believe in the pseudo-dilating properties of certain compounds which will have no other effect than triggering an unpleasant burning or tingling sensation.

To succeed in your shot, no fireworks, you must opt ​​for the most natural possible which respects the following points:

  • Osmolarity adapted to the rectal mucous membranes: and this criterion is even more important than for the vaginal environment, because here the goal is to bring a maximum of water inside the cells by playing as much as possible on the effect of the osmosis.
  • Absence of anesthetic agents: what seems like a great idea beforehand can quickly turn into a nightmare for the following reasons:
By removing sensitivity, certain areas that remain extremely contracted under the effect of the internal sphincter can be traumatized, causing lesions ranging from micro-lesions to anal fissures.
Some anesthetic agents can trigger violent allergic reactions.

Most of these are opioids which can be addictive due to their passage into the bloodstream.

Furthermore, the use of anesthetics in Belgium must be controlled by a health professional.

What is the best anal lubricant to avoid pain?

It is imperative to respect your body and your limits. Getting started with anal pleasure must above all remain a pleasure and not a torture session. You certainly have to listen to your body, but not too much either.

As mentioned in our guide to anal sex, at the slightest sensation of fear, anxiety or anguish, the internal sphincter is programmed to close, which inevitably ends up generating discomfort.

If, however, you are really tense, the best is to use, in addition to water-based lubricant , a silicone-based lubricant which will provide an additional sliding sensation which will have a reassuring "psychological" effect. Indeed, this feeling of fluidity and glide will reassure and prevent any feeling of blockage.

For excellent results, opt for:

A natural and organic water-based lubricant + A silicone-based lubricant

or if you want it all in one bottle:a hybrid lubricant (containing water and silicone).

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