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Geisha balls are renowned for their long-term effect on pleasure. Recommended for perineal retonification, they help prevent urinary incontinence or even organ descent, but their pleasure benefits are indisputable.
So first of all, a quick update on these age-old sex toys, used since antiquity by courtesans in South-East Asia. Their virtues on sexual pleasure have been repeatedly extolled but often distorted.
In reality, their main function is perineal rehabilitation. In fact, wearing Geisha balls or a Geisha ball, over a short period of time, has the effect of triggering contractions of the pelvic floor which is none other than a muscular network in the shape of an eight which wraps around of the anus and the entrance to the vagina on its superficial planes, makes it possible to control the sphincters at the anal level and of the urethra on its median plane and makes it possible to support the viscera: bladder, uterus in particular on its deep plane.
This is why it plays a central role in the sexual life of anyone with a vulva and a vagina. When it relaxes, the entire quality of life is affected: risk of organ descent (prolapse) or stress incontinence, but it is sexual relations which are also diminished.
You can certainly do it alone via Kegel exercises (series of contractions and relaxations of the PC muscle) via perineal rehabilitation sessions with the assistance of a physiotherapist using biofeedback or electrostimulation devices. , but when there is no serious perineal pathology, it is entirely possible to do it via the regular and short wearing of geisha balls. Be careful, however, not to wear one if, like some women, you suffer from perineal hypertonicity (which results in pain during penetration, constipation, or even pudendal neuralgia).
Indeed, Geisha balls allow the muscles to contract reflexively under the effect of gravity and allow the strengthening of the pelvic floor. The movement of the small balls and their weight trigger reflex contractions which, contrary to urban legend, are not enough to trigger orgasm, but can considerably help to better understand the mechanisms of vaginal pleasure.
This same muscular network plays an important role in the constricting effect that the vagina plays in penetrative pleasure. By controlling the constrictor muscle of the vulva, the perineum is the pleasure muscle par excellence, thanks to which you can tighten better around your partner's penis, for even more shared pleasure.
Very good ****, soft and beautiful. An additional inche would have made it even better.
Que de bonnes surprises, très amusantes et parfois surprenantes.
Très bien pensé.
Le cadeau idéal à faire pour pimenter le couple.
Très bien - confortable
Beaucoup plus subtil que d' autres. Patience et douceur. Plaisir sans limites dans l allégresse !
Un jouet qui me procure autant de plaisir a moi qu'a mon partenaire !
Le jouet est stable, qu'importe la position. La télécommande fournie est très intuitive, et comment ne pas parler du mode qui augmente les vibrations lorsque vous serrez la télécommande... Une merveille !
Le jouet se range dans une jolie boite plutôt discrete qui sert aussi à le recharger. Je remercie le conseiller de me l'avoir montré, c'est un achat que je ne regretterai jamais !
J'ai testé beaucoup de lubrifiant a base d'eau et aucun ne me convenait, jusqu'à aujourd'****. Il est parfait, ne colle pas, glisse bien et surtout ne pique pas ! Si vous avez une intimité sensible, foncez !
Doux, silencieux, puissant. Tout simplement parfait !
Très facile à prendre en main et facile à nettoyer. Je l'utilise aussi bien seule qu'avec mon partenaire, orgasme garantit !
Le stimulateur est d'une qualité certaine, un prix complètement justifié a mes yeux, une belle couleur, de belles finitions, une sensation incomparable
Super pour des petits jeux et sensation agréable pour faire monter le plaisir
Très bonne expérience, colis discret, personnel très sympa.
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