Why you should join the menstrual cup revolution?
1- Menstrual cups are healthy, hygienic and beneficial to your intimate well-being
According to American patent filing archives, they were invented in the 1930s, notably under the unattractive name of "vaginal receptacle".
M enstrual cups really came into existence thanks to an American actress Leona W. Chalmers who marketed them in 1937 in a version quite similar to the most recent models, but in vulcanized latex and not in silicone.
However, their development is relatively recent, since it was not until the 2000s that the first silicone Cup is produced and that it is therefore positioned as an extremely interesting alternative in terms of hygiene . Indeed, latex poses allergy problems and, being porous by nature, does not guarantee impeccable hygiene.
The modern menstrual cup therefore owes its virtues to the material from which it is made: medical grade silicone, known to be chemically inert (does not contain phthalates), anti-microbial and antibacterial in essence.
Conversely, disposable periodic products pose a lot of health problems and to name just a few:
- Presence of traces of dioxin, furan, phthalates and glyphosate : endocrine disruptors and notorious carcinogens.
- Tampons increase the risk of incidence of toxic shock syndrome.
- Periodic protection, due to its extremely absorbent nature , causes micro-abrasions of the mucous membrane and makes it vulnerable to infections.
- Furthermore, the viscose residues they generate can contribute to unbalancing the vaginal flora and also promote infections.
- Finally, the dioxin present in most of these periodic protections would be involved in the prevalence of cases of endometriosis .
2- The cup is practical and comfortable and generates less discomfort than a tampon
- Menstrual cups nestle on either side of the vaginal walls and are held in place by their reflex constriction. They thus collect the menstrual flow, without risk of leaking, when they are correctly placed.
- They can be worn for more than 12 hours in a row and do not bother you during your daily activities, or even sports.
- As they are worn intravaginally, they are not visible and do not leave unsightly strings visible.
- Medical grade silicone is a material that does not generate friction or irritation and does not cause dryness .
- Menstrual cups can be used during foreplay , without inconveniencing your partner.
- Indeed, traditional periodic protection by absorbing menstrual blood exposes it to the air and its oxidation produces an odor which could be bothersome. The cups collect menstrual blood and being perfectly waterproof, they prevent its oxidation, hence the absence of odors.
- It is recommended to apply water-based lubricant to make it easier to insert the first few times. The water molecule being larger than those of silicone, it slides on the surface without friction.

3- The menstrual cup is a wonderful gesture towards your wallet and towards the planet
Statistics abound and mathematical formulas for calculating the number of disposable period products a woman uses over the course of her life are legion.
Still, the expense associated with these disposable means is undoubtedly more substantial than that incurred in purchasing a cup . Count between 15 and 35 euros for a cup that easily lasts more than 5 years compared to tens of thousands of euros spent throughout your life with an average of around 15,000 tampons used over a lifetime.
This number multiplied by the female population on earth explodes the figures and the residual pollution generated by classic periodic protection, which not only takes several hundred years to decompose, but all the harmful substances invade waterways and water tables. phreatics and oceans.
Silicone has a much longer lifespan and there is even a silicone recycling sector which allows it, among other things, to be used for thermal insulation purposes.
Faced with so many advantages, and it must be admitted, very few disadvantages, why does the cup still have difficulty attracting users? (only 5% market share of menstrual products)
Many mention the disgust of “groping” themselves, others find it “dirty”, “disgusting”. It is true that one can be phobic about the sight of blood (hematophobia) and that it is therefore difficult to overcome this, but most of the negative reactions to menstruation in general are due to a culture and of a guilty society .
Take the simple adjective "hygienic" which is systematically attached to periodic protection , as if bleeding from the vagina was dirtier than bleeding from the nose, which requires nothing other than a tissue and a casual gesture.
Finally, switching to the menstrual cup often reflects the crossing of a psychological threshold towards better acceptance of the manifestations of one's body. Menstruation being specific to women and the symbol of the power of life that they carry within them.
Find more products to make your intimate health more pleasant in the dedicated section of our site.
And if cups are still not your cup of tea, discover this incredible brand of menstrual panties distributed by an e-shop whose values strongly converge with ours!
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